【摘要】This paper investigates the boundary layer ?ow of the Maxwell ?uid around a stretchable horizontal rotating cylinder under the in?uence of a transverse magnetic?eld. The constitutive ?ow equations for the current physical problem are modeled and analyzed for the ?rst time in the literature. The torsional motion of the cylinder is considered with the constant azimuthal velocity E. The partial di?erential equations(PDEs)governing the torsional motion of the Maxwell ?uid together with energy transport are simpli?ed with the boundary layer concept. The current analysis is valid only for a certain range of the positive Reynolds numbers. However, for very large Reynolds numbers, the ?ow becomes turbulent. Thus, the governing similarity equations are simpli?ed through suitable transformations for the analysis of the large Reynolds numbers. The numerical simulations for the ?ow, heat, and mass transport phenomena are carried out in view of the bvp4 c scheme in MATLAB. The outcomes reveal that the velocity decays exponentially faster and reduces for higher values of the Reynolds numbers and the ?ow penetrates shallower into the free stream ?uid. It is also noted that the phenomenon of stress relaxation, described by the Deborah number, causes to decline the ?ow ?elds and enhance the thermal and solutal energy transport during the ?uid motion. The penetration depth decreases for the transport of heat and mass in the ?uid with the higher Reynolds numbers. An excellent validation of the numerical results is assured through tabular data with the existing literature.
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《中国医疗管理科学》 2015-05-12
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《数字家庭》 2015-07-06
《广西广播电视大学学报》 2015-07-01
《阅江学刊》 2015-07-02
《中外医疗》 2015-07-06
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